近代ヨーロッパのアンティークより発想を得た、クラシックでありながらミニマルなデザインで仕上げる<CURA /クラ>のジュエリー。
天然石本来の魅力を大切に考える<CURA /クラ>では、ひとつひとつの石ごとに最大限魅力を引き出せるデザインを考え、制作しています。
CURA (“ku-ra”) jewelry has a classic yet minimalist design inspired by modern European antiques.
Each natural stone needs a different design to make its beauty stand out, depending on its kind, cutting method, and shape.
CURA values the intrinsic charm of natural stones, and we devise designs that bring out the maximum beauty of each jewel.
In this exhibition, we will introduce a selection of jewelry that uses one-of-a-kind natural stone that the designer has collected over the years.